Monday, February 17, 2025

Feb 17 - Discovery (#4)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a trip around the islands. Sea conditions were a bit lumpier today. Unfortunately I managed to turn the GPS off for the last bit of the paddle so my track is estimated from there on... The usual birds!

click to enlarge
16 km, YTD 56 km

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Feb 12 - Discovery (#3)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a paddle around the islands. Conditions were great - a bit of an ebb to start and almost nothing at the end when we crossed back over Baynes Channel. No wind to speak of.  Saw a nice collection of birds - usual suspects! I paddled by the Wednesday group as I set out from Gyro Park and we saw them again out at the NW corner of Discovery. We saw six nice Steller's sea lions on the rock off Seabird Point. The silhouette of Mt Rainier was visible in the distant south and Mt Baker was clear to the east. You can see we had a nice push from the current on the way south down the east side of the islands.

click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 42 km

Sunday, February 09, 2025

2024 paddle stats

This was the smallest number of paddles done in a year (22) as well as the lowest overall distance (233 km) but the average distance per paddle was pretty average! As I begin my 20th year of this paddle blog, I hope I can boost those stats this year!

Year #Year# paddleskm totalkm per paddle

February 9 - Discovery Island (#2)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a paddle around the islands. Conditions were pretty good with a brisk north wind making some lumpy water in Baynes Channel (but otherwise not!). Birding was good with 17 species observed ( It was pretty cold and I definitely needed to warm my hands up when I got home! By the end I was pretty tired as I am out of shape for paddling! You can see I was slow paddling back!

click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 27km

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11 - Chatham Islands (#1)

Dan and I paddled out of Killarney on a beautiful, sunny, windless and calm day. We decided since we were both out of shape not to go all the way around Discovery. We managed to get into the Chatham Lagoon as the tide was high. The cactuses on the islets are still hanging in there. Birding was nice and I saw at least 15 species. Marbled and Ancient murrelets are always a favourite! A gorgeous day to be out there!

click to enlarge

12 km, YTD 12 km

Friday, November 15, 2024

November 15th - Discovery Island (#22

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to meet Dan and Paulo for a morning paddle around the islands. The weather and sea conditions were great  a bit of an ebb on the way out, turning to flood for the return. The birding was excellent! Over 20 species - and I also saw some Steller's sea lions, harbour seals and heard a California sea lion. A highlight was seeing hundreds of ancient murrelets by Cadboro Point on the way back.

The tide was nice and high which allowed us to check out some areas that are usually to dry!

click to enlarge

16 km, YTD 233 km

Sunday, November 03, 2024

November 3 - Discovery Island (#21)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a morning paddle around the islands. Conditions were nice with little wind and a relatively weak ebb. Nice birding ( and nice conversation! I thought it was cool that I saw blackish oystercatchers in Patagonia earlier in the week and a black oystercatcher today! Had a short play in the sluice and met some SISKA paddlers out with Jo on the way back across Baynes. You can definitely see the current effect by comparing speeds on the southbound and northbound tracks
click to enlarge

16 km, YTD 217 km

Monday, October 14, 2024

October 12 - Buttle Narrows (#20)

While Monica and I were camping at Buttle Lake, I took the Aquaglide Chelan out for a short paddle around the narrows. My GPS plot did not work, so I have made an approximate route based on memory...

We had great weather and it was good to be testing our new trailer for off grid camping...

click to enlarge - route is rough!

4 km, YTD 201 km

Thursday, October 03, 2024

October 3 - Discovery island (#19)

I paddled out to meet Dan and Paulo at Cadboro Point for a paddle around the islands. It was hard work paddling over the top of the islands and also back across Baynes (wind and current against). I saw both Steller's and California sea lions as well as marbled murrelets, pigeon guillemots, harlequin ducks, dunlin, cormorants, gulls, turkey vulture, bald eagle, great blue heron. It was good to get out again, though I was a bit out of shape!

click to enlarge

15 km, YTD 197 km

September 7 - Nanaimo River (#18)

While Monica and I were camping at the Living Forest Campground I went out for a short paddle around the estuary and up the river a bit. The estuary was shallow!

click to enlarge

5 km, YTD 182

August 29 - Oak bay (#17)

I went for a shoreline paddle to the Oak Bay Beach Hotel and back. Stopped at a nice little beach for a break.

click to enlarge
9 km, YTD 177

August 23- 27 - Great Bear rainforest trip (#s13,14,15,16)

While I was leading a trip on Cascadia, we managed to fit in 4 nice little paddles

23 August -Campania Island # 13

This was a very special paddle as we saw a wolf amble down the beach and then sit down in front of us! 6 km

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23 August evening and 24 August morning #14, #15

We paddled into the cove twice and were surrounded by pink and chum salmon. 5 km

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27 August - Europa Hot Spring (#16)

We went for a visit to the hot springs and while some were pooling I went paddling! 3 km
click to enlarge
4 paddles totaled 14 km, YTD 168

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10th (#12)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to meet Paulo for a paddle around the islands. We had some fog crossing over to Chatham, but it cleared up after that. I saw a few seals with small pups and thousands of gulls on the south side of Discovery. We ended up having great conditions: sunshine, little wind, and little or no current. There were lots of harlequin ducks around and a few bald eagles.

click to enlarge

15 km, YTD 154 km

Sunday, August 04, 2024

August 4th - Discovery island (#11)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to meet Dan and Paulo for a paddle around the islands. there was a strong ebb happening when we started which turned to a flood by the time we finished which was nice. Not much wind but there was a fog bank to the SE which eventually moved in so that my paddle back from Chatham was in fog! A birding highlight was a group of western sandpipers which visited us while we rested on a Discovery Island beach. It was too foggy to see Mt Rainier or Mt Baker!

click to enlarge - data from my watch

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16 km, YTD 139 km

Sunday, July 07, 2024

July 7th - Discovery Island (#10)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a morning paddle around the islands. Another beautiful day with a bit more current - a fairly good ebb throughout as you can see from my track back across Baynes Channel!

click to enlarge

16 km, YTD