Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sept 24-28 - Vargas Island (#s58-61)

JF and I led a group of grade 11 students on a kayak trip around Vargas Island. Day 1 was too windy and wet to launch, so we spent our first night at Surf Junction camp, where we did a shoret trip to watch surf at Amphitrite Point and also to watch bears at a fish hatchery. After the night’s weather blew though we had decent, though not dry weather throughout the rtest of the trip. We had a great group of students with us and we covered a good distance. We saw whales twice and one sea otter. Lots of sea birds – loons catching fish, groups of surf scoters and black turnstones and many others. We had great camping at South Ahous, Dick andf Jane’s and Rassier point.

Photos at:

ScreenShot028chart  ScreenShot029 by speed ScreenShot030by day

41 km total trip, YTD: 872 km

OK ESN:0-7349589 - return to Tofino

SPOT Check OK. Mike is well. Check out the location using the link below.
Time:09/28/2008 10:00:17 (America/Vancouver),-125.9102&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 14th - SISKA paddle to Rum (#57)

I helped Susan lead a SISKA “adventurous” padle to Rum Island from Amherst. We had about 20 paddles in the group and did a remarkably good job of staying together. Beatiful day with nice conditions. A little current now and then but not as stronga s we expected.

18.5 km, 10 NM, YTD 831 km


September 13th - Caddy Bay (#56)

George Dan and I went out for a short paddle around the Bay to get George back in the saddle – he had not been paddling for a while due to an arm injury. Another beautiful sunny calm day. George and I were paddling feathercraft wispers and Dan his Gulfstream.

6 km, 3 NM, YTD 813 km


Sunday, September 07, 2008

September 7th - Wallace Island (#55)

Monica and I paddled out from Southey Point around Jackscrew and then through the Secretary islands and then to Chivers Point on Wallace. We then went down the west side of Wallace to Connover Cove, enjoying the cliffs and honeycomb weathering. We were both paddling feathercraft wispers which performed nicely.

12 km, 6 NM, YTD 807 kmScreenShot025 IMGP2005 IMGP2009

Saturday, September 06, 2008

September 6th - Jackscrew Island (#54)

While Monica and I were on saltspring for the weekend I went for a short poaddle from Southey Point around Jackcrew Island. I got to try out my new carbon GP which worked very nicely.

5 km, 3 NM, YTD: 795 kmScreenShot024

Monday, September 01, 2008

September 1 - Clover Point (#53)

John and I set out from Caddy Bay (where we ran into Gary) and then made our way to MaryTodd Island where we met up with Dan. The three of us had the ebb current with us to Clover Point where we turned around. We caught some fun wave action (and some surfing) off Trial Island where the flood was building and then stopped on North trial for lunch. We then made our way back via Oak Bay Marina where we left Dan and then went along the shore of clover point back to Cadboro Bay.

24 km, 13 NM, YTD: 970 km ScreenShot021