Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 27th - Discovery (#10)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for the usual paddle around the islands! Conditions were great - current assist both ways! Though it was calm, it was too cloudy to see Rainier and Baker. Plenty of Steller's sealions on the rocks by Seabird Point. BTW I just noticed that GPS Visualizer creates a graph of altitude and speed. The altitude is not very relevant since I was at sea level throughout!

click to enlarge

16 km, YTD 123 km

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 26th - Gonzales Bay (#9)

I joined 14 others from the "Wednesday Group" for a paddle from Cadboro Bay to Gonzales Bay by way of Trial Island. We had nice conditions throughout except for a bit of a headwind for the lasy km or two. Water was pretty high and currents were generally in our favour. As we started out you could just make out the distant (215 km) silhouette of Mt Rainier and we had nice views of Mt Baker for most of the paddle. The sea lions (California and Stellers ) on the rocks between the trial Islands were noisy. Birding was good too with 14 species seen: 

click to enlarge

20 km, YTD 107 km

Sunday, February 23, 2025

February 23 - Port Renfrew Surfing (#8)

I went solo surfing off the river in PR - the break was in a different location due to a lower tide. Got a couple of nice rides!

click to enlarge
2 km, YTD 87 km

Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 22 - San Juan River (#7)

I went for a solo paddle up the San Juan as there seemed to be little surf this morning. You can definitely see the difference in speed up and down river due to the current. Lots of buffleheads, a couple of great blue herons and a belted kingfisher. I see lots of channels to explore in future trips!

click to enlarge
8 km, YTD 85 km

Friday, February 21, 2025

February 21 - Port Renfrew Surfing (#6)

I went for a solo paddle off the San Juan river in Port Renfrew. There were some nice waves and I got a couple of good rides! Saw a common loon!

click to enlarge
4 km, YTD 77 km

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Feb 20 - Discovery Island (#5)

I joined Dan and Paulo at the usual spot to paddle around the islands! A little bit of lumpy water here and there. We saw at least 16 Steller's sea lions on the rocks by seabird point.

click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 73 km

Monday, February 17, 2025

Feb 17 - Discovery (#4)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a trip around the islands. Sea conditions were a bit lumpier today. Unfortunately I managed to turn the GPS off for the last bit of the paddle so my track is estimated from there on... The usual birds!

click to enlarge
16 km, YTD 56 km

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Feb 12 - Discovery (#3)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a paddle around the islands. Conditions were great - a bit of an ebb to start and almost nothing at the end when we crossed back over Baynes Channel. No wind to speak of.  Saw a nice collection of birds - usual suspects! I paddled by the Wednesday group as I set out from Gyro Park and we saw them again out at the NW corner of Discovery. We saw six nice Steller's sea lions on the rock off Seabird Point. The silhouette of Mt Rainier was visible in the distant south and Mt Baker was clear to the east. You can see we had a nice push from the current on the way south down the east side of the islands.

click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 42 km

Sunday, February 09, 2025

2024 paddle stats

This was the smallest number of paddles done in a year (22) as well as the lowest overall distance (233 km) but the average distance per paddle was pretty average! As I begin my 20th year of this paddle blog, I hope I can boost those stats this year!

Year #Year# paddleskm totalkm per paddle

February 9 - Discovery Island (#2)

I paddled out to Cadboro Point to join Dan and Paulo for a paddle around the islands. Conditions were pretty good with a brisk north wind making some lumpy water in Baynes Channel (but otherwise not!). Birding was good with 17 species observed ( It was pretty cold and I definitely needed to warm my hands up when I got home! By the end I was pretty tired as I am out of shape for paddling! You can see I was slow paddling back!

click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 27km