After a pleasant evening with the WCP group I set off after an early breakfast (7:45 AM) to paddle back to Victoria. The current atlas indicated favourable currents until about noon. The paaddle to Run Island was fast and I maintained a pace ofr 10 kph with the current boost for much of the way. The wind was unfortunately still from the SW and eventually SE, so again no sailing. Between Rum and Sidney Island, the current boost lessened and from Darcy on it was no longer helping me. I made a dog leg in Haro strait to ask a halibut fisherman to call home and letthe family know my progress (my cell phone was not working properly on Darcy when I stopped there. My two stops were at Darcy and Gordon head. I decided to follow the Gordon Head coast line in the hopes of catching some back eddies as well as need a break. I made it back to the beach at Cadboro Bay around 2 45 - about 6 hours of paddling and an hour of stops. In hindsight, I should have been up an at it an hour earlier and also sped up my breakfasting and packing so as to catch the strongest ebb current. As I made it back to Cadboro Bay the RVYC was having a sail past with what looked like nearly 100 yachts all dressed up with pennants on the rigging, music and cannons! HMCS Oriole was there too.
41 km, 22 NM, YTD 291 km