Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22nd - Arbutus Cove (#113)

Paulo, Dan and I decided to get a last paddle of the year together before Dan and Paulo headed off. We set out just before noon and headed up towards Arbutus Cove where we stopped for a bit. Yet another beautiful December day! Sunshine, winds were not too strong and the temp was not too cold. We passed by the 10 mile POint Weather Station – this is the weather station I find best for checking out the weather around Cadboro Bay. Here is a wind printout for today:

ScreenShot235 looks like the winds were steady at 10–15 knots while we were paddling.

The weather underground version of the site is at: http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=IBRITISH32 and the main site is at:  http://www.landspring.net/WeatherSite/weathersite_12_09.htm

14 km, 8 NM, YTD 1344 kmScreenShot234

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