I was able to fit in 3 paddles while I was aboard the National Geographic/Lindblad Endeavour in Galapagos this week. I was invited to accompany an AAAS group as their guest lecturer and host and had a wonderful week renewing old friendships and making som new ones.
The 3 paddles were in Gardner Bay, Espanola Island, Post office Bay, Floreana Island and Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island. The Endeavour had 8 Necky Looksha T kayaks available which were pretty decent little doubles, though the cockpits are close enough together that it is important to synchronize!
Seeing the islands by kayak is wonderful, and I recommend it to anyone who gets a chance.
An overview of the islands - click to enlarge |
This map shows the archipelago. I paddled at the two southernmost islands as well as the north-easternmost one.
Gardner Bay, Espanola - click to enlarge |
On this paddle we had great views of colourful marine iguanas
Post Office Bay, Floreana - click to enlarge |
On this paddle we managed to see Galapagos sea lions and Galapagos penguins.
Darwin Bay, Genovesa - click to enlarge |
On this paddle, we managed to see many seabirds as well as Galapagos sea lions and Galapagos fur seals.
paddling by Espanola - click to enlarge |
paddle by Floreana - click to enlarge |
8 km, YTD 1015 km