Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16th - Discovery Island (#59)

I went for an early morning paddle with Dan, joining Paulo out at Cadboro Point, and went for a trip around the Islands. Paulo and Dan have seen the wolf recently, but I have not. I saw lots of familiar birds: bald eagle, great blue heron, black oystercatcher, black turnstone, yellow legs (not sure which!), harlequin duck, marbled murrelet as well as a steller  sea lion and many harbour seals.
click to enlarge
15 km, YTD 465 km
(note: I will be lucky to reach 500 km this year, let alone 1000!)

October 6th - Campania Island (#58)

On my second trip we managed to get out for a lovely morning paddle in McMicking Inlet on Campania Island. Conditions were beautiful and we were joined by eagles and seals. In the zoomed in picture, note the "bog forest" behind the rim of conifers at the waters edge. Lots of cool plants there like Labrador tea, clubmoss, juniper and sundew!
zoomed out a bit - click to enlarge
zoomed in - click to enlarge

really zoomed out to show the whole area - click to enlarge
5 km, YTD 450 km

September 27th - Khutze Inlet (#57)

While I was on a Maple Leaf Adventures trip in the Great Bear Rainforest this fall I took some guests on a short paddle up the Khutze Inlet Estuary. The tide was quite low, so we could not get up too far! Later in the day we had great views of grizzly bears.
close up - click to enlarge

zoomed out a bit - click to enlarge
6 km, YTD 445 km