Saturday, January 09, 2016

January 9th - Discovery Island (#3)

I led a SISKA paddle with 17 others around Discovery. It was a beautiful, mostly sunny, day, and the wind was a brisk 10+kt from the north. We had calm conditions throughout except for crossing Baynes, where it was a bit lumpy. We ran into Lanny and Paulo who were going round the island in the opposite direction. We saw plenty of birds and had a nice visit to "cactus islet". An excellent paddle.
click to enlarge - the track
17 km, YTD 42 km

Some photos from the trip

Weather sites

I have added a bunch of screenshots (and links) of weather sites that I use when planning paddles.

the discovery light forecast and actual conditions (BWD) - click to enlarge
BWD predicted 2 (EnvCan) forecast - click to enlarge
BWD predicted 1 (WA state) forecast - click to enlarge
Predictwind forecast

10 mile point wind speed for the day - click to enlarge
10 mile point wind direction fir the day - click to enlarge
RVYC wind speed for the day - click to enlarge
RVYC wind direction for the day - click to enlarge

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